Carers Oxfordshire is a free service which offers information, advice and support to carers* of someone living in Oxfordshire.
We think carers are amazing!
Caring for someone can be rewarding but also challenging. We offer much-needed practical and emotional support with opportunities to find time for yourself and to take short breaks from caring.
Please use this form to let us know about a carer who needs/would like our help. This form is for use by carers for themselves, people helping carers and professionals alike. The details on this form will enable us to provide an appropriate and timely response.

Consent must be obtained from the carer whose details are disclosed on this form.

* In order to access our services you need to be 18 or older and caring for someone who is living in Oxfordshire.
If you have any problems with this form or need help to complete it, please contact our Carersline on 01235 424715 (Monday to Fridays between 9am and 5pm).